Greater Secrets
 Greater Secrets
Titolo Greater Secrets
Autore Ananth Hirsh, Tess Stone
Prezzo€ 9,25
EditoreRandom House Graphic
LinguaTesto in en

Acquistabile dal 12 novembre
In a family gifted with the ability to see a mysterious light in the distance, one teen embarks on a fantastical journey to find her missing sister, and finally answer the question: is this ancestral gift a blessing or a curse? This surreal graphic novel is perfect for fans of Leigh Bardugo and Mariko Tamaki. Maya’s family is cursed. Or blessed, it depends on who you talk to. For as far back as anyone can remember, her family has had to ability to see a mysterious pillar of light in the distance. Those who have tried to find it have never come back. Maya has no idea what you're meant to find if you follow the light. Adventure? Destiny? But what if your destiny isn't a good thing? Maya’s sister left to follow her light…and has been missing ever since. That’s how Maya finds herself on a surreal road trip with two people she barely knows, headed towards a ghost town where her sister was last seen. Unfortunately, the closer Maya gets to her sister...the closer she gets to her own pillar of light. Maya doesn't know if she's ready to face her destiny but if it means finding her sister then she'll do whatever it takes.